Quit Smoking Links

QuitSmoking Tip Book
Answer User Questions
Incentives for Former Smokers
Anti Smoking Laws
Smoking Lawsuits from the Supreme Court
Profiting From Tobacco Lawsuits
Smoking Lawsuit Madness
The Defendants On Trial in Smoking Lawsuits
Smoking Lawsuits
What's the Motivation?
The Age of Smoking
Custody and Smoking
Anti-Smoking Laws in Public Places in America
Why not Ban Tobacco Outright?
Vending Machines Off Limits to Youth
Government Orders Health Warnings On Cigar Labels
Effects of Second-Hand Smoke
Secondhand Smoke and Children
Your Lungs - Information on Secondhand Smoke
Infant Urinary Continine Levels
Secondhand Smoke Facts on Smokers Babies
Effects of Smoking
Health Problems Associated With Smoking - Bronchitis
Nicotene Addiction is Powerful
Information on Nicotine Withdrawal Symptoms
Why Nicotine Is Addictive
Smoking Triggers
Health Effects of Smoking - Male Sexual Impotence
Smoking and Oral Contraceptives
Cigarette Smoking and Babies
Pregnancy and Cigarette Smoking
Perinatal Mortality and Smoking
Problems From Smoking Low Tar Cigarettes
What Is Smokers Face
Genetics and Smoking
High Risk Smokers
Nicotine Addiction
Smoking And Pregnancy
Recognizing Nicotine Addictions
Quitting Smoking Causing Anger
Watch For Relapse
Smoking Is a Mental and Physical Habit
To Quit Smoking, or To Gain Weight?
Frequently Asked Quit Smoking Questions (FAQ)
How hard is it to stop smoking?
Will I experience weight gain when I quit smoking?
Quit Smoking Aids
Cigarette Filters
Smoke Away
More Helpful Quit Smoking Products
Fake Cigarette
Zyban (Wellbutrin)
Stop Smoking With Hypnosis
Quit Smoking Facts
Will That Be Radioactive or Non-Radioactive?
Mind Bogglers in Tobacco
Statistics About Smoking
Kretek Cigarettes
Cigarette Additives
Roadside Cigarette Butts
The Battle to be Smoke Free
Is Tobacco Use a Personal Freedoms Issue?
Prepare Mentally
Teens and Smoking
Herbal Cigarettes
More Information About Smoking
Tobacco Ads and Teens
Harvesting Tobacco
Note to Nonsmokers
Alaska's High Smoking Rate
Dangers of Bidis
599 Additives in Cigarettes
599 Additives in Cigarettes Continued
599 Additives in Cigarettes More
Additives in Cigarettes
List of Chemicals in Cigarettes
Smoke Is In The Air - More Cigarette Smoking Facts
Smoking in Movies
Your Unconscious Mind - Cigarette Ads
Quit Smoking Programs
Great American Smokeout
Not-On Tobacco-For Teens
Women Against Tobacco
Kick Butts Day
Get Quit Smoking Support and Encouragement
Freedom From Smoking® Clinic for Stop Smoking Programs
Get Professional Help To Quit
Reasons to Quit Smoking
Extreme Mood Swings After Quitting Smoking
1-9 months After Quitting Smoking
After 5 Years Without a Cigarette
What Happens When Quitting Smoking
Personal Relationships and Smoking
The Mess - More Reasons to Stop Smoking
Make A List
Questions to Think About - Why Quit Smoking
Smokers Who Stay Smokers
Why Quit Smoking?
More Reasons to Quit Smoking - Because of Money Wasted
Smoking Related Diseases
Diabetes and Smoking
Smoking Diseases and Cancers
7 Danger Signs & Symptoms Of Cancer
Safer Cigarettes
Buergers Disease from Smoking
Smoking Or Not
Diseases Caused By Smoking Cigarettes
Diseases Caused by Smoking
Bidis Not a Safe Alternative!!
Ways to Quit Smoking
Things to Try If You Are Tempted to Smoke
Quit Smoking Cold Turkey
How to Avoid Weight Gain While Quitting Smoking
The 5 Ds To Quitting Smoking
On The Day You Quit Smoking
List Your Reasons To Quit
Alternative Methods
Stop Completely
Find Stop Smoking Help
Nicotine Nasal Sprays
Helpful Quit Smoking Tips
Find non-smoking friends.
Take Up a Sport
Tell Your Smoking Buddies
Chew gum
Cut down on alcohol.
The Gum or The Patch
Replace Your Smoke Break
Questions For Your Doctor
Quit With a Buddy
Pick a Quit Smoking Date- And Celebrate!!
Count the days since you stopped smoking.
Don't Linger
Tips on Stop Smoking Cigarettes
I Am a Nonsmoker!
The Most Valuable Secret
Throw Away All Smoking Related items
It's All About the Withdrawal
Non Smoking Please!
Enlist Support
Save Your Cigarette Money
Drink More Water
Learn New Skills and Behaviors
Get Medication and Use It Correctly
10 Stages of Quitting Smoking
How to Help Someone Stop Smoking
How Did it Feel Before You Smoked?
It's Never Too Late
Journal Your Way To a Smoke Free Life
Quit Smoking Newsletter Archive
Safer Cigarettes
10 Stages of Quitting Smoking
Find Stop Smoking Help
Get Medication and Use It Correctly
Helpful Quit Smoking Tips
The Most Valuable Secret
How to Avoid Weight Gain While Quitting Smoking
How to Help Someone Stop Smoking
Learn New Skills and Behaviors
Nicotine Nasal Sprays
On The Day You Quit Smoking
Questions For Your Doctor
Stop Completely
The 5 Ds To Quitting Smoking
Things to Try If You Are Tempted to Smoke
Tips on Stop Smoking Cigarettes
Zyban (Wellbutrin)
Information on Nicotine Withdrawal Symptoms
Government Orders Health Warnings On Cigar Labels
How hard is it to stop smoking?
Pick a Quit Smoking Date- And Celebrate!!
Journal Your Way To a Smoke Free Life
How Did it Feel Before You Smoked?
Cigarette Filters
Fake Cigarette
Smoke Away
How hard is it to stop smoking?
Will I experience weight gain when I quit smoking?
More Helpful Quit Smoking Products
Stop Smoking With Hypnosis
Find non-smoking friends.
List Your Reasons To Quit
Quit Smoking Cold Turkey
Replace Your Smoke Break
Tell Your Smoking Buddies
Non Smoking Please!
Count the days since you stopped smoking.
Save Your Cigarette Money
Don't Linger
Enlist Support
Throw Away All Smoking Related items
It's Never Too Late
Incentives for Former Smokers
Extreme Mood Swings After Quitting Smoking
Diseases Caused by Smoking
Tobacco Ads and Teens
Smoking And Pregnancy
Smoking Lawsuits from the Supreme Court
Profiting From Tobacco Lawsuits
Why not Ban Tobacco Outright?
The Defendants On Trial in Smoking Lawsuits
Vending Machines Off Limits to Youth
The Age of Smoking
What´s the Motivation?
Secondhand Smoke Facts on Smokers Babies
Nicotine Addiction
High Risk Smokers
Smoking Is a Mental and Physical Habit
Health Effects of Smoking - Male Sexual Impotence
Quitting Smoking Causing Anger
Why Nicotine Is Addictive
To Quit Smoking, or To Gain Weight?
Recognizing Nicotine Addictions
Smoking Triggers
Watch For Relapse
List of Chemicals in Cigarettes
Your Unconscious Mind - Cigarette Ads
Will That Be Radioactive or Non-Radioactive?
The Battle to be Smoke Free
Statistics About Smoking
Smoke Is In The Air - More Cigarette Smoking Facts
Roadside Cigarette Butts
Prepare Mentally
Note to Nonsmokers
Kretek Cigarettes
Smoking in Movies
Is Tobacco Use a Personal Freedoms Issue?
Herbal Cigarettes
Harvesting Tobacco
Dangers of Bidis
Additives in Cigarettes
Cigarette Additives
599 Additives in Cigarettes More
599 Additives in Cigarettes Continued
599 Additives in Cigarettes
Freedom From Smoking® Clinic for Stop Smoking Programs
Get Professional Help To Quit
Get Quit Smoking Support and Encouragement
Kick Butts Day
Not-On Tobacco-For Teens
Women Against Tobacco
1-9 months After Quitting Smoking
Make A List
Personal Relationships and Smoking
Questions to Think About - Why Quit Smoking
Smokers Who Stay Smokers
The Mess - More Reasons to Stop Smoking
What Happens When Quitting Smoking
7 Danger Signs & Symptoms Of Cancer
Smoking Diseases and Cancers
Safer Cigarettes
10 Stages of Quitting Smoking
Find Stop Smoking Help
Get Medication and Use It Correctly
Helpful Quit Smoking Tips
The Most Valuable Secret
How to Avoid Weight Gain While Quitting Smoking
How to Help Someone Stop Smoking
Learn New Skills and Behaviors
Nicotine Nasal Sprays
On The Day You Quit Smoking
Questions For Your Doctor
Stop Completely
The 5 Ds To Quitting Smoking
Things to Try If You Are Tempted to Smoke
Tips on Stop Smoking Cigarettes
Information on Nicotine Withdrawal Symptoms
Government Orders Health Warnings On Cigar Labels
How hard is it to stop smoking?
Pick a Quit Smoking Date- And Celebrate!!
Journal Your Way To a Smoke Free Life
How Did it Feel Before You Smoked?
Cigarette Filters
Fake Cigarette
Smoke Away
How hard is it to stop smoking?
Will I experience weight gain when I quit smoking?
More Helpful Quit Smoking Products
Stop Smoking With Hypnosis
Find non-smoking friends.
List Your Reasons To Quit
Quit Smoking Cold Turkey
Replace Your Smoke Break
Tell Your Smoking Buddies
Non Smoking Please!
Count the days since you stopped smoking.
Save Your Cigarette Money
Don’t Linger
Enlist support.
Keep a stop smoking blog.
Throw away all of your lighters.
Use the “after 2 hours…” model.
Smoking-tips Newsletter,Issue 1: A World of Ashtrays
Smoking-tips Newsletter, Issue4: Are Safer Cigarettes Possible?
Smoking-tips Newsletter, Issue3: Are Safer Cigarettes Possible?
Smoking-tips Newsletter,Issue2: Are Safer Cigarettes Possible?
Smoking-tips Newsletter, Issue13: Are Safer Cigarettes Possible?
Smoking-tips Newsletter,Issue 4: The Smokey Island-for ages 5-18 yrs.
Smoking-tips Newsletter,Issue 2: The Smokey Island-for ages 5-18 yrs.
Smoking-tips Newsletter,Issue 1: The Smokey Island-for ages 5-18 yrs.
Smoking-tips Newsletter,Issue 4: Secondhand smoke in your home
Smoking-tips Newsletter,Issue 3: Secondhand smoke in your home
Smoking-tips Newsletter, Issue 6: Secondhand smoke in your home
Smoking-tips Newsletter, Issue 1: Secondhand smoke in your home
Smoking-tips Newsletter, Issue 4: Tobacco Harvesting
Smoking-tips Newsletter,Issue 3,Tobacco Harvesting
Smoking-tips Newsletter,Issue 2: Tobacco Chat
Smoking-tips Newsletter, Issue 1: Tobacco Harvesting
Quit Smoking Frequently Asked Questions
What are some ways to quit smoking?
What are some good quit smoking tips?
What are the 5 Ds to quitting?
What are the 5 Ds to quitting?
Should I cut back first?
Should I cut back first?
What happens to babies of smokers?
What smoking related illnesses are caused by cigarettes?
Can you get respiratory disease from smoking?
What are the risks of second-hand smoke?
What laws are there banning smoking?
What are the effects of second hand smoke and children?
what are some state laws about smoking?
What happens to babies of smokers that breastfeed?
Are bidis safe?
what are some second-hand smoke facts?
What are the harmful effects of smoking?
What are other reasons to quit smoking?
Are bidis safe?
What kind of smoking lawsuits have there been?
What are the reasons to stop smoking?
What are diseases caused by cigarettes?
How does smoking and the media affect one another?
What are the health effects of quitting smoking?
What are a couple good ways to quit?
How hard is it to clean up after a smoker?
Are Kretek cigarettes safe?
Do movies influence kids to smoke?
Do ads reach our unconscious minds?
Do movies influence kids to smoke?
Do ads reach our unconscious minds?
Are Kretek cigarettes safe?
How hard is it to clean up after a smoker?
Does making a list of why I want to quit help?
What are the withdrawal symptoms of smoking?
Why is tobacco so addictive?
What poison is in Phillip Morris cigarettes?
Are herbal cigarettes safer than regular cigarettes?
What are bidis and are they dangerous?
Why Can't I quit Smoking?
Are there labels on cigars?
Why don´t they just outlaw tobacco?
Can smoking decide custody?
What is the motivation behind the taxes?
Is it really that hard to quit smoking?
Do low tar cigarettes help?
What poison is in Phillip Morris cigarettes?
Why is tobacco so addictive
How hard is it to quit smoking?
What is the motivation behind the taxes?
Why don´t they just outlaw tobacco?
Is it pain we hide with cigarettes?
Does making a list of why I want to quit help?
What brands have additives?
Do low tar cigarettes help?
Should smoking decide custody?
What are the withdrawal symptoms of smoking?
How many people succumb to cigarettes?
Are herbal Cigarettes safe?
What are bidis and are they dangerous?
What disease´s are associated with smoking?
Are there labels on cigar labels?
Can I get quit smoking help from smoking low tar cigarettes?
How can I get nicotine withdrawal symptoms?
Are there health warnings on cigars?
What is some valuable information about smoking?
What about cigarette smoking and pregnancy?
What cigarette additives exist?
What are some facts about smoking?
What are some ways to stop smoking?
What are some ingredients in cigarettes?
What are some health problems from smoking?
Who are high risk smokers?
How many ingredients are there in tobacco?
What can I do when I get the urge to smoke?
What is women against tobacco?
Are some people at higher risk than others by smoking?
How many ingredients are found in a cigarette?
What is women against tobacco?
What can I do when I get the urge to smoke?
What are a couple good ways to quit?
What are the 10 stages to quit smoking?
What can I do to help myself quit smoking?
Will the urges pass?
Can smoking cause bronchitis?
What happens within 48 hrs.-9 months of quitting smoking?
How fast can you get addicted?
Should congress regulate tobacco?
Are smokers responsible for their bad habits?
What is the difference in mortality rates between cigarettes and cigars?
What is Buergers Disease?
What are the signs and symptoms of cancer?
Where does Alaska stand as far as smokers?
How fast can you get addicted?
What happens within 48 hrs.-9 months of quitting smoking?
What are the mortality rates of cancer of the mouth?
What is Buergers Disease
What arethe 7 signs and symptoms of cancer?
What are the 10 stages to quit smoking?
What can I do to help myself quit smoking?
Should congress regulate tobacco?
Are smokers responsible for their bad habits?
Will the urges pass?
what are the effects of quitting smoking?
How fast will I become addicted to nicotine?
How old should you have to be to smoke?
Can smoking cause bronchitis?
Am I harming family members by smoking?
How does Alaska compare with other states about smoking?
What are some cigarette smoking facts?
what are statistics about smoking?
What stop smoking programs are there?
What quit smoking support is available?
What kinds of non-smoking programs exist for teens and children?
How can I get help quitting smoking?
Is tobacco use a personal freedom?
How is genetics and smoking related?
What is some other information on smoking I should know?
What are some statistics about smoking?
Do tobacco ads influence teens?
How is smoking and diabetes related?
How are weight gain and smoking related?
What happens with your body when you quit smoking?
What herbal help is available to help with quitting?
What things might people say that have no intention of quitting?
How much money do people waste on smoking?
Can smoking affect relationships?
What are the statistics?
What is smokers face?
How do you know if you are addicted?
Should I recognize my anger when quitting/
How does secondhand smoke affect infants?
What are some facts?
How do I handle nicotine addictions?
What are some problems from smoking?
How often should I encourage someone to quit?
Is smoking both mental and physical?
Are quitters just not smoking at the moment?
Will smoking be stopped in all public places?
Is smoking bad for diabetics?
Where can I get help quitting?
Who decides how clean the air is we breath?
Is tobacco set apart because it is so harmful?
Do ads influence teens?
What good is suing?
How much are attorney´s making on tobacco lawsuits?
Can smoking affect fertility?
Can smoking cause impotence?
Can smoking and taking the pill hurt?
How does smoking affect the unborn child?
Can still-birth be caused by smoking?
How can I replace smoking?
What can I look out for?
What is worse smoking or the weight gain from quitting?
How can I quit and not gain weight?
Who do the tobacco ads target?
What programs are there to help teens quit?
How addictive is nicotene?
What support do I need?
What can I do to keep busy when quitting?
Are there medications to help me quit?
What should I ask myself before I quit?
What questions can I ask my doctor about quitting?
Should I seek help?
How can I prepare mentally?
How can I help someone to stop smoking?
Can the gum or the patch really help?
Will removing chemicals make cigarettes safer?
What companies have been on trial over their products?
What happens 5-10 yrs. after quitting smoking?
Will no smoking in restaraunts hurt their business?
Where are alot of cigarette butts found?
What are the percentages among teen smokers?
What happens in first 24 hours after quitting smoking?
What are some of the problems caused by smoking?
Do nasal sprays help you to quit smoking?
What do genetics have to do with smoking?
What is the Great American Smokeout?
What is kick butts day?
How is tobacco harvested?
How harmful is smoking during pregnancy?
Will removing chemicals make cigarettes safer?
Is smoking bad for diabetics?
What is smokers face?
How do you know if you are addicted?
Does quitting smoking cause anger?
What do genetics have to do with smoking?
What is worse smoking or the weight gain from quitting?
Is it easy to relapse?
Is smoking both mental and physical?
Can't kids get cigarettes from the vending machines?
How can I prepare mentally to quit smoking?
How does secondhand smoke effect infants?
What companies have been on trial over their products?
What good is suing?
How much are attorney´s making on tobacco lawsuits?
Shouldn't people have a right to smoke wherever they please?
Will no smoking in restaraunts hurt business?
What happens 5-10 yrs. after quitting smoking?
Should I seek help?
Where can I get help quitting?
What herbal help is available to aid in quitting?
What happens in first 24 hours after quitting smoking?
What things do people say when they have no intention of quitting?
How much money do people waste on smoking?
Can smoking affect relationships?
What are benefits of smoking besides health?
What should I ask myself before I quit?
What are some of the reasons people smoke?
How addictive is nicotene?
Can smoking cause impotence?
Can smoking affect fertility?
Can smoking and taking the pill hurt?
How does smoking affect babies?
Can still-birth be caused by smoking?
What is the Great American Smokeout?
What is kick butts day?
What programs are there to help teens quit?
What support do I need?
Do nasal sprays help you to quit smoking?
How can I quit and not gain weight?
What questions can I ask my doctor about quitting?
How can I replace smoking?
How can I help someone to stop smoking?
What can I do to keep busy when quitting?
Are there medications to help me quit?
How do you quit for good ?
Are there alternative ways to quit?
Can the gum or the patch really help?
What make it so hard to quit?
What are some of the toxic chemicals found in cigarettes?
What is a list of toxic chemicals in chemicals?
What are some toxic chemicals found in cigarettes?
What are some ingredients in cigarettes?
What is Zyban?
Does Smoke Away work?
What can I do to help with the oral or hand-to-mouth addiction?
Can I filter my cigarettes to reduce my risk?
How can I quit smoking cold turkey?
How hard is it to stop smoking?
Can hypnosis help me to stop smoking?
Does gum help?
What if my friends smoke?
What can I replace smoking with?
Will quitting with someone help?
What do I do on smoke breaks?
Should I tell people I quit?
Will a list help?
Will I gain weight when I quit smoking?
Should I get rid of things when I quit?

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Heidi Splete